No worries, me either, until I was 26 years old and traveled to Germany, particularly Frankfurt, Hahn for my Cabin Crew training. An intense 6 months of training at a wonderful magical place, where I saw for the first time in my life a real snowflake, I touched it, I observed it, I was amazed by its perfection.
They say that when it's snowing (just snowing, no wind, no rain just snow) if you are lucky to be out there you can feel the touch of God. And I agree, when I arrived in Frankfurt I came across extremely low temperatures under -20 c` when it was snowing I didn't feel any cold, actually, I didn't want to return in class...
I was lucky & blessed to have that experience in my life because I went to Germany. I shouldn't doubt not even for a second that Germany was just the scapegoat...
Germany was just the scapegoat of those who actually started WWII, those who illegally possessed God's Gifts or Gift & used it unwisely, the consequences of that unwise use are all over the place. they are no others from those who ended it ... or at least they managed to convince the entire world that they did simply because they could, those who intruded Ukraine, those who are bombing unarmed innocent people, and all those who assisted them to support their lie & continued unbothered committing their crimes. I apologize to Germany for the small delay, and for being convinced by them they used all the means they could use to keep me blind, to trick me, I don't try to justify myself. I was wrong and I sincerely apologize, But enough of them.
This article should be about Germany and what made me realize that they were wronged by history and that there is a possibility that they didn't actually commit the crimes that they are accused of. When I left Germany, besides the touch of God that I was blessed to experience,
So when I left Germany, I was convinced that God didn't leave them, that God didn't abandon them, (the exact opposite from the feeling I had when I left from the UK, I've never been to Russia so I don't have an opinion, regarding the place) it would be at least irrational to feel the presence of God at a place that is directly connected with such cruelty, or its people are responsible for such terrible crimes against humanity, and more particularly a place where all that hatred was formed and carried out the abominable plan of genocide, the disturbing plan of the ultimate extinction of a particular Nation that is under Gods protection, God warned that He will go against those who will harm or try to harm the people of that Nation.
It makes no sense to feel the Presence of God at a place where based on "historical events'' you should feel God's rage...
But believe me, in Germany I felt God's Presence and Its Blessings... a perfectly balanced harmony in Nature, four seasons, exactly as they should be, none with extended duration, each accompanied by the weather conditions that should be accompanied with, and from that season's balanced and harmonious succession in time to arise the conservation, the perseverance of life.
When I arrived in Germany, everything was white, covered in snow and the temperature was
-20 c`. But before I leave, it was already Spring, the snow melted, the fields were green, and the buffaloes were enjoying their grazing.
Because God created this world with perfect proportions and the correct coordinates, nothing randomly, nothing against life. The snowflake's shape makes the snowfall light when it reaches the grass on the fields, it covers them, without destroying them, preserves them, preserves life.
And at a place where you can feel God's Presence, at a place where God didn't abandon, you can see God's Perfect creation in Nature, God's Divine Wonder.
One last thing, that I have to mention, like a month ago my car's tire broke, I moved the car on a side and didn't know what to do, because until then I didn't know how to put the reserved tire, so I stepped out of the car and I was staring at the tire and praying, I counted at least 10 cars with Cypriots passing by without even bothering to look at me, to ask if I needed anything... But thank God, Mr. Peter passed by, asked If I needed help, drove his wife home and came back, changed my tire, and showed me how to do it... Mr. Peter is from Germany, he moved to Cyprus with his wife... & thank God he did, because he helped me when the Cypriots totally ignored me when I needed their help.
And no, to make myself clear, am not taking any side nor am I against anyone. Actually, I walk In God, so I take God's side, I speak the truth, (which is the least I can do especially when lies and injustice have been going on forever) a truth that is based on personal experiences combined with feelings, trigger feelings...