Σάββατο 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

The Spirit Of The Christmas Tree

A true story

There are Days, that are Gates.

Passages for Passengers.

And Trees holding Torches.


Last  Christmas days.

I was working as a Hostess for OB Paphos. The phone wouldn't stop ringing in the afternoon. I was taking the reservations for the dinner. In one of those calls, the voice was familiar to me. It was ms. Eleni Tsivikou, She made a reservation for two people. I was overwhelmed from those days of magic, even though It was so busy I didn't felt tired at all. 

The spirit was everywhere. A couple arrived they said they had no reservation. A colleague of mine took them to sit. At the end of the night I so her, ms Eleni wearing her Cabin Crew uniform walking with her son and his wife, the couple left, I asked Dimitri if he saw her, he said, he couldn't see anything. 

It was September 2014, I asked to be re- examed because I was ''diagnosed'', first with schizophrenia, couldn't be supported, then they said bipolar disorder or personality disorder. I was ready for the fight I knew the substances for the psychoactive drugs given in there, I even knew what they do to the brain/ the soul / and their side effects because I was tested to them in the most traumatic way. But I survived. That month I met ms Eleni in the psychiatric clinic. She was diabetic, she was ''treated'' with old type ''antipsychotic'' drugs. It is clear that those drugs shouldn't be consumed if you suffer from diabetes. Many of those souls never recovered from this, remained trapped in their bodies suffering until they died, and others committed suiside because they couldn't bear the torture. 

I asked one of the psychiatrists in there to give me a definition for ''Psyche'', Soul, at least one. Her answer was ''I DON'T KNOW''. 

They don't know what the soul is, how can they treat it?

Crimes against humanity occurred ''in the name of science'' but it was unacceptable. It is unacceptable.  

I feel her presence with me, she was an old soul, a fighter. She is a torch. 

The lady with the uniform will take you to the Light.

Help the Spirit to heal, then it will heal our Great Mother and Her Tree will cure humanity. 

Σάββατο 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2020


Sunday, November 16, 2014, 4:44 pm

Ιn God Ι believe.

Therefore I believe in Angels, 

and in their power to form a body.

Νίκος Καββαδίας 

7 νάνοι στο SS cyrenia


Εφτά. Σε παίρνει αριστερά, μην το ζορίζεις. 

Μάτσο χωράνε σε μια κούφιαν απαλάμη.

 Θυμίζεις κάμαρες κλειστές, στεριά μυρίζεις. 

Ο πιο μικρός αχολογάει μ'ένα καλάμι.

Γυαλίζει ο Σημ της μηχανής τα δύο ποδάρια. 

Ο Ρεκ λαδώνει στην ανάγκη το τιμόνι. 

Μ' ένα φτερό ξορκίζει ο Γκόμπυ την μαλάρια, 

κι ο στραβοκάνης ο Χαράμ πίτες ζυμώνει.

There are those moments, that is not me,

 it is something, or someone, or some being.

 From beneath or above or within me.

Απ' το ποδόσταμο πηδάνε ως τη γαλέτα.

 - Μπορώ ποτέ να σου χαλάσω το χατήρι; 

Κόρη ξανθή και γαλανή που όλο εμελέτα, 

ποιος Ρήγα γιος θε να την πιει σ' ένα ποτήρι.

Ραμάν αλλήθωρε, τρελέ, που λύνεις μάγια,

 κατάφερε το σταυρωτό του Νότου αστέρι,

 σωρός να πέσει να σκορπίσει στα σπιράγια,

 και πες του κάτω από ένα δέντρο να με φέρει.

That is either guiding me to move my edges, 

or moving them instead of me.

Break into pieces, discover new pathways.

 Untraceable passages. 

* * * 

Ο Τοτ, του λείπει το ένα χέρι μα όλο γνέθει,

 τούτο το απίθανο σινάφι να βρακώσει. 

Εσθήρ, ποιά βιβλική σκορπάς περνώντας μέθη;

 Ρουθ, δε μιλάς;   Γιατί τρεκλίζουνε διακόσιοι;

Κουφός ο Σάλαχ το κατάστρωμα σαρώνει. 

- Μ'ένα ξυστρί καθάρισε με απ' την μοράβια.

 Μα είναι κάτι πιο βαθύ που με λερώνει. 

- Γιε μου που πας;

 Μάνα θα πάω στα καράβια

Strange forces, restore gates, 

breaking blocks, opening pathways, 

lifting waves, 

within and outside of me. 

My Guardian Angels light my path,

 And in their presence I incarnate Archetypes. 

Κι έτσι μαζί με τους εφτά κατηφοράμε. 

Με τη βροχή, με τον καιρό που μας ορίζει. 

Τα μάτια σου ζούνε μια θάλασσα. Χα! θυμάμαι... 

Ο πιο στερνός μ'έναν αυλό με νανουρίζει. 

PS: My part is done. Completed my scripts, translation not necessary. 
My briefcase has plenty of different designs.

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