Σάββατο 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

The Spirit Of The Christmas Tree

A true story

There are Days, that are Gates.

Passages for Passengers.

And Trees holding Torches.


Last  Christmas days.

I was working as a Hostess for OB Paphos. The phone wouldn't stop ringing in the afternoon. I was taking the reservations for the dinner. In one of those calls, the voice was familiar to me. It was ms. Eleni Tsivikou, She made a reservation for two people. I was overwhelmed from those days of magic, even though It was so busy I didn't felt tired at all. 

The spirit was everywhere. A couple arrived they said they had no reservation. A colleague of mine took them to sit. At the end of the night I so her, ms Eleni wearing her Cabin Crew uniform walking with her son and his wife, the couple left, I asked Dimitri if he saw her, he said, he couldn't see anything. 

It was September 2014, I asked to be re- examed because I was ''diagnosed'', first with schizophrenia, couldn't be supported, then they said bipolar disorder or personality disorder. I was ready for the fight I knew the substances for the psychoactive drugs given in there, I even knew what they do to the brain/ the soul / and their side effects because I was tested to them in the most traumatic way. But I survived. That month I met ms Eleni in the psychiatric clinic. She was diabetic, she was ''treated'' with old type ''antipsychotic'' drugs. It is clear that those drugs shouldn't be consumed if you suffer from diabetes. Many of those souls never recovered from this, remained trapped in their bodies suffering until they died, and others committed suiside because they couldn't bear the torture. 

I asked one of the psychiatrists in there to give me a definition for ''Psyche'', Soul, at least one. Her answer was ''I DON'T KNOW''. 

They don't know what the soul is, how can they treat it?

Crimes against humanity occurred ''in the name of science'' but it was unacceptable. It is unacceptable.  

I feel her presence with me, she was an old soul, a fighter. She is a torch. 

The lady with the uniform will take you to the Light.

Help the Spirit to heal, then it will heal our Great Mother and Her Tree will cure humanity. 

Σάββατο 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2020


Sunday, November 16, 2014, 4:44 pm

Ιn God Ι believe.

Therefore I believe in Angels, 

and in their power to form a body.

Νίκος Καββαδίας 

7 νάνοι στο SS cyrenia


Εφτά. Σε παίρνει αριστερά, μην το ζορίζεις. 

Μάτσο χωράνε σε μια κούφιαν απαλάμη.

 Θυμίζεις κάμαρες κλειστές, στεριά μυρίζεις. 

Ο πιο μικρός αχολογάει μ'ένα καλάμι.

Γυαλίζει ο Σημ της μηχανής τα δύο ποδάρια. 

Ο Ρεκ λαδώνει στην ανάγκη το τιμόνι. 

Μ' ένα φτερό ξορκίζει ο Γκόμπυ την μαλάρια, 

κι ο στραβοκάνης ο Χαράμ πίτες ζυμώνει.

There are those moments, that is not me,

 it is something, or someone, or some being.

 From beneath or above or within me.

Απ' το ποδόσταμο πηδάνε ως τη γαλέτα.

 - Μπορώ ποτέ να σου χαλάσω το χατήρι; 

Κόρη ξανθή και γαλανή που όλο εμελέτα, 

ποιος Ρήγα γιος θε να την πιει σ' ένα ποτήρι.

Ραμάν αλλήθωρε, τρελέ, που λύνεις μάγια,

 κατάφερε το σταυρωτό του Νότου αστέρι,

 σωρός να πέσει να σκορπίσει στα σπιράγια,

 και πες του κάτω από ένα δέντρο να με φέρει.

That is either guiding me to move my edges, 

or moving them instead of me.

Break into pieces, discover new pathways.

 Untraceable passages. 

* * * 

Ο Τοτ, του λείπει το ένα χέρι μα όλο γνέθει,

 τούτο το απίθανο σινάφι να βρακώσει. 

Εσθήρ, ποιά βιβλική σκορπάς περνώντας μέθη;

 Ρουθ, δε μιλάς;   Γιατί τρεκλίζουνε διακόσιοι;

Κουφός ο Σάλαχ το κατάστρωμα σαρώνει. 

- Μ'ένα ξυστρί καθάρισε με απ' την μοράβια.

 Μα είναι κάτι πιο βαθύ που με λερώνει. 

- Γιε μου που πας;

 Μάνα θα πάω στα καράβια

Strange forces, restore gates, 

breaking blocks, opening pathways, 

lifting waves, 

within and outside of me. 

My Guardian Angels light my path,

 And in their presence I incarnate Archetypes. 

Κι έτσι μαζί με τους εφτά κατηφοράμε. 

Με τη βροχή, με τον καιρό που μας ορίζει. 

Τα μάτια σου ζούνε μια θάλασσα. Χα! θυμάμαι... 

Ο πιο στερνός μ'έναν αυλό με νανουρίζει. 

PS: My part is done. Completed my scripts, translation not necessary. 
My briefcase has plenty of different designs.

Τρίτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Exercitus Alter Albus

 Ο Σταύρος του Νότου 

Νίκος Καββαδίας 

Έβραζε το κύμα του γαρμπή 

Είμαστε σκυφτοί κι οι δυο στο χάρτη. 

Γύρισες και μου πες πως το Μάρτη,

 σ'αλλους παραλλήλους θα χεις μπει

The stronger the faith, the better the shields. Is getting extremely complicated the fact that I was there, surrounded by a team of failed look-alikes. 

Women (see lips) over-inflated lips, but not red.

And I feel like throwing up. 

Κούλικο στο στήθος σου ταττού. 

Που όσο και αν το καις δεν λέει να σβήσει. 

Είπαν πως την είχες αγαπήσει, 

σε μια κρίση μαύρου πυρετού. 

I feel sick, in unethical environments. 

I can't tolerate hypocrisy. 

There are 144000 incarnated. One Tree. 

An army dressed in white, willing to fight for salvation. 

Βάρδια πλάι σε κάβο φαλακρό, 

Κι ο Σταύρος του Νότου με τα στράλια. 

Κομπολόι κρατάς από κοράλλια,

 κι άκοπο μασάς καφέ πικρό. 

But I, choose to save the best for last. The Tree of life for those who made it.

 Let's just direct children properly, let's make sure to structure a stable environment, healthy, and safe for them to thrive. 

Is not a random phrase: "mistakes occurred in the past, will be torturing the future". 

Solve the problems, fix the issues, do it for your children. 

Το Άλφα του Κενταύρου μια νυχτιά.

Με το παλλινώριο πήρα κάτου, 

Μου 'πες με φωνή ετοιμοθανάτου, 

Να φοβάσαι τ' άστρα του Νοτιά. 

I feel like a minority of a person. I will try to sell my soul to the devil, just to see how it feels like. 

The face reflects the beauty of the soul. Each body's incarnation will occur according to the individual's intentions

Άλλοτε απ τον ίδιον Ουρανό. 

Έπαιρνες τρεις μήνες στην αράδα. 

Με του καπετάνιου την μιγάδα, 

μάθημα πορείας νυχτερινό. 

I have a question for all those who intend to reap off. For all those who reaped off already.

For how much did you sell your soul to the devil?

Σ'ενα μαχαζί του Nossi Be. 

Πήρες το μαχαίρι δυο σελίνια, 

Μέρα μεσημέρι απά στην λίνια. 

Ξέστραψες σαν φάρου αναλαμπή. 

Was it worthy? 

There are " incarnations". The positions are held. The selections occurred from 1970. But they should be aware since 1940. Or from before. 

On the other hand, the more they know the present. The.. hm no, Never mind. 

How can you define it? well, I guess,  constantly learn through time. 

God first. 

We are here to improve ourselves, day by day. Make mistakes, learn from them. We came to inhabit this Earth with the same potentials. We all experienced losses. 

Our great Universe is composed of values, principles, laws. 

Each action has a reaction, even a sound, a slight movement. A small expression has consequences. 

If you just make an effort to realize the great divine manifestation of our thriving Universe. You would notice the presence of God everywhere. 

The code is simple. The discovery process of the truth, in the end, is more beneficial than the truth. 

Is it worthy? Is our generation worthy? Ar we worthy of salvation?

Monday morning, kindness should not be sacrificed.

 Noble singular though, wouldn't make a difference. 

Seven values, seven graces. 

Which is the sea we missed the most? 

The lack of patience resulted in wrath and anger. 

The absence of continence will make one greedy. 

Conquer and occupational nature will result in chaos, confusion, and destruction. 

Κάτω στις ακτές της Αφρικής, 

Πάνε χρόνια τώρα που κοιμάσαι. 

Τα φανάρια πια δεν τα θυμάσαι. 

Και το ωραίο γλυκό της Κυριακής.

Respect was always a value achieved upon somebody's actions and not obliged or forced.

From God's gifts, 

Which is the one, we need the most?

From God's graces,

Which is the one, we will be wishing for, the most?

And from the virtues. 

Which is the one, we will be missing, just as much?

Τρίτη 17 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Somnum Exterreri

-Do you remember what occurred when you were sleeping?


Scene one. 

She was wandering in a deserted forest. She could recall that she was searching for something.  

Her feet were damaged but weren't bleeding. She was wearing a long white dress. She remembers loss in each direction.

When she climbed the hill, she saw the back of a priest, (from the Orthodox church) standing still, staring down, he was holding something. She couldn't tell what due to distance. When she approached she saw him holding an infant. With tears in her eyes she told him :

"My baby, give me my baby, so many lives I have been searching for it"

Then he started at her with apathy and responded :

"why, so you will do it like that?"

Pointing out a hill of dismembered limbs.

At once as a cataclysm omen. Thunderstorm. 

"Wake up, you are having nightmares"

The voice of the nurse in the "psychiatric clinic" woke her up. 

Σε(μι)ναριακοί Εφιάλτες

 Σεπτέμβριος 2014

Ψυχιατρική Κλινική Αθαλάσσας

-Εσύ θυμάσαι τι συμβαίνει όταν κοιμάσαι;

Υπνωβατώντας - Σκηνή Πρώτη


*Περιπλανιόταν στην ερημιά, γύρω της ξέρα. Κάτι έψαχνε το θυμάται, οι πατούσες της είχαν φθαρεί αλλά δεν είχαν ματώσει. Άσπρο και μαύρο σε φόντο γκρίζο. Φορούσε ένα λευκό μακρί φόρεμα. θυμάται απώλεια σε κάθε κατεύθυνση.

Όταν ανέβηκε τον λόφο είδε την πλάτη ενός ιερέα,(φορούσε ράσα, την Ορθόδοξης εκκλησίας) στεκόταν και ατένιζε το κενό, κρατώντας στα χέρια του κάτι. Όταν τον πλησίασε είδε πως κάτω απο τη μασχάλι του κρατούσε ένα βρέφος. Τότε με δάκρια στα μάτια του είπε

''Το μωρό μου, δώσε μου το μωρό μου, είναι τόσες ζωές που το ψάχνω''

Τότε ο ιερέας την κοίταξε με βλέμμα κενό και της είπε

''Γιατί, για να το κάνεις έτσι;''

Δείχνοντας με το χέρι του ένα λόφο απο διαμελισμένα άκρα.

Τότε ακούστηκε μια βροντή, κατακλυσμού προμήνυμα.

''ξύπνα! έχεις εφιάλτες''

Ακούστηκε η φωνή της νοσηλεύτριας του κέντρου ''ψυχικής υγείας''.

Σάββατο 14 Νοεμβρίου 2020

No One But

 Haunted by your eyes.

In the beginning, it was the circle of the forgotten poets.

 Afterward came the circle of the pilfered losing lovers.

They never had me. But hold an image as a reminder. 

And when they sleep,

 they break their silence, with whispering languages,


Integrated long ago, 

into the most ancient sacred scripts.

Everafter a circle of two thousand years, 

you & I,

 we are given the chance to unite.

to conjugate.  

Unum E Pluribus

 Can't escape the way I want You


Just remember, 

Roses are blooming from the graves 

A burning Bush within the flames. 

A long before we had to escape 

Abandoned Restated imperially "imperishable". 

Perpetual Fire, forced to remain unburned, belted in desire. 

Until when? 

Enlightened stars gave birth to stories. 

Holes covered by extensions leaving blank pages between. 

Deepened from lost. When a part is reaped off. 

We need a scale to weigh the case. 

Not your depth neither my total weight. 

If you have learned to swim into the tidal waves when you reincarnate you learn to fly. 

During your dreams, you are able to arrive at

 places that you can't see, with naked eyes. 

Each time I have flashes from moments that passed.


Potential glances,  from future centuries.

That I had reached out once, but now I might never arrive. 

Dive into the Source but wasn't thirsty, couldn't drink from it.

 I was made of rain. 

Flesh and blood, Johan of Arc remarked path. 

Historical fact, spiritual guard, flammable mark. 

Melody played under the moonlight. 

Seashells formed and shaped by the Sea waves. 

Dust as a single substance remains forever dust. 

If you want to learn how the unchanged eternal was made,

 you need to learn how to speak the ancient language of the trees. 

Each time the wind blows they whisper the truth. 

Time can not touch me, am made of air. 

From what I have seen so far, there is no good neither from nature it is bad 

Therefore I challenge you, I dare you. 

Call me there, take me with you. 

I give into you, resurrect me. 

With your healing touch, revive me. 

The initial spark of the eternal mind deferred from love, deferred from gold, 

might sound like Torah and look like Zeus. 


Don't be scared from the depth of the Abbys. 

Meet me there.


You will never be able to fly. 

Πέμπτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Superno Somnia

 I had a dream, with scattered ears of wheat.

 And I was saying, is not the time yet.

Now, is time to seed.

And they were screaming "they won't be beneficial''.

 And the egg gave birth to a snake instead.

''A nightmare.''

My hands were freezing cold,

throughout my entire life.

Capable only to lift weights.

Since those marks appeared on them.

In some cases, they held the fire, pointing out who I am.

in other cases, they manifested miracles, upon desire.

  Spherical mind, multifunctional tool.

And you've seen nothing yet!

If they won't turn it into a cube.

In the best possible case.

They believed in the post-scripts.

They are searching for ''devils'', ''monsters''and ''beasts''.

And they forgot the simplest of all speech.

''The ultimate sign of the times will be, 

once you quadrangle the circle.'' 


Τετάρτη 11 Νοεμβρίου 2020

The Greatest Illusion

 My entire life is a deposit for "afterwards". Either "afterwards" is tomorrow, in a month, in five years or even in the next moment. 

 Ever since I remember myself my thoughts are constantly running forward towards that magical location that always arrives but is never here. Is constructed in such detail, described either dark and dead-end or happy and hopeful (based on my emotional condition) that many times I react to transform my mood as if am there already. To that arbitrary "afterwards" that arbitrarily constructed another self of mine. Whom it might be? Which manner of speech? Under which circumstances? For what?

As I look around, I realise how impermanent and vulnerable things are. Everything sings to me: "never again". Never will I ever breathe again as this exact moment. Never will my heartbeat again, in the same way, is beating now. The next will be a totally different heartbeat, that as much as I try to visualise (as much as I try to imagine what is the meaning of life) it will be nothing at all like my pre- visualised illustrations. And that exact moment "now" becomes the upcoming "now". Perpetually.

We have abandoned our bodies here, and with the rest of us, we are wandering around in a world that doesn't exist. The most enormous prison and the greatest illusion. Until our bodies turn to dust. And let time to just pass on its own. With no additional illusions. 

Παρασκευή 6 Νοεμβρίου 2020


 chalice but


Thursday, November 5th, 2020

To R.

What is the point of a battle, when the sea has already swallowed and crushed poems that were written from the wrong side of the war? 

Don't you dare to fit all that seemed to be a delicate love in a letter and leave it on my shore, because, was it ever a real love or a selfish illusion made of lies? would you like being lied to? how would you feel if your mind, intelligence, your entire being was underestimated? Is disrespectful.    

And for that reason, I will try not to be rude, even if I was, due to angriness, because not being kind is also disrespectful. With no intention to harm or hurt, the truth is better than being lied to. Therefore, I apologize.  

   But I am not sorry for being honest, not sorry for being human. I refuse to allow what I feel inside for him to become an ''aeipathy''. I am not sorry for desiring him. 


Because the right man for me will move mountains to be with me, he won't hide behind them. Is about respect, self-respect. 

No more tolerance for lies, especially when you know the truth. 

explanation finished. 

To P.

Last night you came as I was sleeping, you found me bent on my knees (shades of gray) watching over the world through the magical reverser slide that transforms big objects and makes them look small, significant matters into insignificant, the invisible to visible, etc.

-'' What's holding you back?''. You asked.

I could not directly respond, but when I woke up, the answer was already in my head.  

I have ''Jonathan Livingston Seagull,'' by Richard Bach, in my library, that boy who had ''bipolar disorder'' gave it to me, when I was missing, we met in the psychiatric clinic, I still remember him, not his face. When I was wearing a pink top, I remember him touching the top and pointing out my head while singing,

 ''the Pinky and the Brain'' and that was funny.

I have an entire movie complete in my head, where the focal point has to do with a black cat that passes twice unnoticed, outside the window, of a house that belongs to us, the exact moment that you grab my hand and you dance me, to the end of light.

I have a secret river, perched in the mountains of Tilliria, that I stopped to drink water once, and the day wouldn't wait for me, and the night arrived and everything got so dark.

I have a key, that opens the gate of an abandoned village, that no longer exists. It was inhabited by strange talking animals and aristocratic couples, my ancestors. Brought from times that passed irrevocably. A November's dawn, with heavy rain, the village was over floated from the waters of the river. 

I have a raw of Tibetan skulls, hidden in a bath with cherries, surrounded by veneered floors, and greek columns- thousands of years too late in Ogygia, a lost isle in the South. They are asleep and dreaming of their mortality.

I have an Angel guardian of the Sun, and one of the Moon, and every now and then they claim me for their own, the first one burns me up with is fiery edges, and the second one drowns me down with each night's tide.

 I have a rug decorated with intricate patterns, which whenever I sit on it, does not fly.

It doesn't fly!

It is packed in a warehouse in the center of a field with lemon trees.  In a mountain gap next to the Middle Earth. The caretaker once gave me a chalice, painted over, decorated with flowers during the renaissance, after was taken from the UK, where it was given as a trophy, he said he stumbled upon it when he lost his wife, and ever since he lost his memory. Every winter he picks the lemons from the lemon trees to save them from the freezing cold, and he has nowhere to give them.

I have a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere, waiting for its sea to conjugate. I have a mirror on a wall that broadcasts the things as they could be, and not as they really are. built-in to potentiality. For that reason, I was trapped in another reality that wouldn't let me see you.  

I have a story just like this, that hides another story in the lines and waits to be told by readers yet to born.

I have two stars that I enclosed in a container made of glass, and ever since, the one is crashing into the other eternally.

 Well, I have all this to hold me back, and a bunch of other things. But all I really ever wanted was you. And when I will eventually get you (in the reception between my legs) I will be pleased to be possessed by you as my master.

 Before the definition steals us and transforms us into gem-stones.

Τρίτη 3 Νοεμβρίου 2020

The 3rd Hallelujah 2020-11-02


Restated thesis 

-Walk upon the waters, not because you hold the key, but because you unveiled a brand new territory of the Sea. 

-Make all moves undercover, what's beneficial due to candid intentions is destructive in the wrong hands - On the wrong side of the warfare. 

-Into the temples that were built for the memorial psalms, others commune in-depth with the "Hallelujah". Nazi partners, they committed crimes against humanity. Still unchanged. In position authorized by you. I feel like throwing out the un-holy ''prophet - ologist'' priest, Their efforts to sell ''prophecies'' over people's sorrow and loss are making me furious. You are worst than the politician crows. Is explained in the predict Vs know. Is clear how the platform works. Stop using it for the wrong reasons. 

-if you haven't been released from chains, cage, grave, how will you comprehend your inheritance?

-One million secret names devoted to the Sky, and we name Him Ground.? 

-A couple of inches may I levitate above terrain because You Held me. Nature's rare species, a miracle in danger of extinction. 

Even though I sleep in a single bed, I desire to be kissed by You. Ever since I dreamed of you coming in, healing my trauma. Remember? 

No more snakes with lust, no more fake grooms, no more lies. 

-Who is the digger of the pit?

Actually, two different shaped ditches. For what? 

The pit is neither for the Earth nor for the one who holds the shovel. 

Is it for me and what might return from the Well of the Abyss? Is it from God's sake for the chariot of the Grail? 

Look within - Human-Eyes

-Is a shame to be wasted in vain. A disgrace to call it "Offer".

Over and over again.

- please Father, demolish the barriers, break the chains. Let them see Your Face.

I feel like spilling my guts out. 

The load of the Fire is heavy-duty to be carried out by a single person. I can't bear it alone anymore.

I need my partner immortalized. My polar opposite, the dark one, my immortal, from the other side. There is no space for games, lame performances, and pointless efforts. 

I am not available. 

all I need is Him                         

 I Am exhausted. 

Κυριακή 1 Νοεμβρίου 2020


 Σάββατο. 24 Μαρτίου 2012

ποιός ήρθε; κανείς

        όλος αυτός ο συρφετός*

               κρύβει καλά εντός του

                       όσα μιά στατιστική 




σαφές; νομίζω.-

*[γελωτοποιοί - με μάσκες τράγων

ερπετά - ανίκανα να δαγκώσουν τη

γλώσσα τους

& έντομα - μονόπτερα

λασπωτήρες - λάσπης που δεν της

εμέλλετο πηλός

πόρνες - αρσενικές και θηλυκές,

χωρίς τη λεβεντιά της πουτάνας

γραφιάδες made in Korea - με 

παπαγαλί φορέματα

Τσαγκάρηδες - με μπαλωμένες

βάρκες σε υφάλμυρα νερά

ζητιάνοι - που θα 'διναν το ένα τους 

χέρι για μια σπίθα ελεΝΟημοσύνης


Κ. Κουκουζέλης

Memoran - Tomp

 K. Koukouzelis

Saturday, 24 March 2012 

       Who came? Nobody

            This entire mob*

               Is the indoor hideout

                  Of a statistical 


To conclude 


Clear? I Opine.-

* [jesters - wearing goat masks

Reptiles - incapable to bite                  (Serpent tempted)

 their tongue 

& insects - single winged bugs 

Mudguards - of non-existent 


Hores - male and female, 

in lack of the smartness of a whore. 

de - scripters made in Korea - 

wearing parrots dresses

Shoemakers - floating with 

patched vessels in brine waters 

beggars - willing to exchange

 their own hand 

for a single glance of 

*ELE - mentality 

etc, etc, etc]

[ 2020-11-01 original translation C. Eleni]


Σάββατο 31 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Seven Universal Principles

 Hermetic Philosophy 

(Exegesis on the Kybalion) 

Form & Spirit 

-1. Mentalism- The All is Mind

Universe = Mental

2. Correspondence-

 As Above, So Below. 

 As Within, So Without

3. Vibration- Nothing Rest 

Everything Vibrates 

4. Polarity - Everything Is Dual, 

Comes in pairs of Opposites. 

5. Rhythm - Everything Flows Out & In, has its types, 

All Things Rise & Fall 

6. Cause & Effect - Every Cause Has its Effect.

 Every Act its Consequence 

7. Gender - Principle of Gender, 

Masculine Vs/& Feminine 

(to mate, species maintenance, reproduce, perpetuate) 

Πέμπτη 29 Οκτωβρίου 2020

The Princess Who Was Not

 Once upon a time, there was a princess with no kingdom. Neither a crown nor courtiers, either a palace or royal blood. Without an obedient army, neither wealth nor soldiers, neither important genealogy.

 She was wandering in the market, carrying the cuteness of a halt fantasy, that the ''meant to be her prince'' would've come to complete her, and become one with him.

She tricked travelers and salesmen with ultimate lies, spoke with kindness to the children. Requested respect and honors from the elder ladies.

The time was passing by, and suitors began to flock to the outskirts of the city. Guided by the reputations.

Among them, was a young man with an extraneous edge and thirsty look.

She would always welcome them, in the central square, (since the royal palace existed only in her mind) and after she was misleading them, she would demand the Sun and the stars from them, and finally, she would drive them away with insults and curses.

 How could they even dare, to think that a crystal clear sky drop could mate with mud? 

The outlander young man's turn arrived. He stood in front of her, smiled, and before saying a single word, he transformed into a savage wind. Chaos and dust got up in the city. Once the riot calmed down, the glorious queen to be was gone. She disappeared.

 In vain her few loyal wanderers tried to find and bring her back.

Her position was silently taken by a paper-made crown.

I used to know a fake princess, unable to possess a thing. But in her dreams, she would whisper "I refuse to compromise" . And when she dared to demand the ultimate , after a bunch of lies was gathered around her, THEY RUSHED TO VANISH HER. 

Fairy tale conclusion

Each conjunction is intended to tramble and shake the foundations of the Universal  World.

Therefore is protected by the winds and Natures Elements. And because of this, no one truly unites until they order.

And they won't order until the wise Kings and fake princesses remove their masks.

Admission Of Feelings Occured Afterwards

 Questions and answers from days that were just passing by

Someone else is doing it for you. 

Therefore we call it "awakening".

Even though, "when", is totally up to you.

When it gets dark, where does the Sky ends?

Where the Sea begins?

Our mothers became vampires, who knows what.

{Wouldn't be prudent to see us with our necks exposed.}

How a question, that can not be defined with words could look alike?

(just like you?)

We are a generation whose illnesses are not in a hurry, at all. 

Do you have a brand new

 "I understand"

So I can state how much I Love You

Each time the fox is entering the coop, the cock forgets his job. 

Twinkling makes us spend half of our lives with our eyes closed.

Who knows what wonderful occurs then?

Somewhere in the middle of hell, the devil owns a kiosk selling cigarettes. After hours, dawn.

Embraced is always floating on air.

Why is that? 

Throughout our entire lives, we drag a "would have" towards an uncertain future. 

The fact that light shines in through the window, has a meaning. 

PS: You told me not to worry, & I trust you, I know you want, you can... 

What I don't know is what happened in between... I do not know the terms

 What I do know, is that we are not together & is the opposite of what we both want.
I refuse to accept it, I refuse to compromise. I don't want to. I can't pretend that I am ok & continue living my life as if you never existed... I don't have the power...

Τρίτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Under The Bridges

Here comes the time of Now that once upon, 

was the Future that made it to the Past. 

Dangerous Truth. 

What is the point to record and transmit a story

 that changes towards the benefit of the wrong, 

for the wrong reasons? 

I was there. I have crossed the bridge.

 I jumped inside the abyss well. 

                                                                                                        But they wouldn't let me up. 

I wish I knew what scared them. 

What made them try to vanish the sword after it came out of the sheath. 

Now I know, it was my soul that scared them, my sword                                      (so I've been told) 

Abuse and corruption hosts in the Sanctuary. 

Wounds open on closing Gates. 

I will live to see the Earth refuse to open in order to swallow them.

She will puke them out instead. 

The time was near.                                                                       The time Is now

Genocide Of Reason

 Perhaps we could be talking about genocide of reason from a dictator's consciousness that carries my name. But sorry, not sorry!

At all!

Two birds were sitting on the wire.

Which of them will commit suicide first?

The Butterf- Lier

Δευτέρα 26 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Golden Fleece


Savage Winds

There are trees, growing in houses. Pierce the walls and the sealings go higher.

Next to them the stairs, the furniture, vases left empty until...,

Fountains overloaded with sweets in case...

There are trees that start from the inside of bedrooms with four walls. 

Their roots feel the cracks on the tiles, grasp on the sidewalls, and nothing will stop them from beating the rooftop and reach out for the sky.

There are trees, 

as there are fears inside human bodies, as there are thoughts ending up with once and for all, within random associations and countless ordinary thoughts.

As there are dreams not made from the substance that dreams are made of. 

There are griefs within smiles,

departures are hidden in arrivals,

deaths, little deaths with no funerals neither exhumation after three years

(no one is passing by to light up the candle),

there are winds within glances,

bird cages on balconies made of memories,

empty hugs with the one missing instead of being.

And just like those trees in those houses, grow tall,

multiply, become a forest.

Acquire their own flora and fauna,

strange creatures start to live inside them, seasons circle differs from ours.

Weird winds are created by low barometric,

and in case an intruder shows up,

he is blown away with them.

And as the years are passing by,

each forest acquire a life of its own,

senses, purpose, desires

-different from the "land" that hosts or occupies.

Finally, it acquires consciousness and silently,

without the slightest noise,

opens its eyes.

The Least

*** Find Me

Stories that haven't yet started,

Will eventually become, 

never-ending stories. 

Nice words aren't nice words.

Messages traveling by sea, 

frequently end up in sewers. 

The departure day that is written on the tickets that were booked, 

two vacant seats will be traveling between so many full. 

They always burned the food. 

Every time he lay her down on the road. 

Keys that open rented houses, 

are useless. 

Only those who died are included in lists. 

There's a cemetery in the back yard. 

This is the eulogy of the funeral. 

Σάββατο 24 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Not Even

Obscured light

transparent blinds. 

A gibbet scarf.

Ten centimeters measured time.

Blood turns to water.                                                                         [potable] 

One single story.

Memories of a future century.

Me such as.

A barren sea.

Allotment hands.


The world has paused. 

The cage unlocked.

A thousand images in just one word.

Waking up before dusk.

Sleeping before dawn. 

Without you.                                                                                           

Unbearable,                                                                     brand new                  

The Sunrise yet to come.

A dress made of rain.

Un- titled tale.

The testament revealed.

A crowd of speechless men,

in the women- nest.

&The guard:

'' Who is that;

 present your self''

Me minus one.

Useless Galaxies.

An embalmed Spring.

Tears on my cheek.

Impatient me.

A silent walk.

The bed was made

Remained still.

Without You.

Human beings breathing, 

with hearts, stop beating

Wide-open sea shells,

Soak up the Sun.

A dead man preaching

In slow motion,

the end has yet to come.

A self-illuminated Moon. 

Not even one.                              but you 

 That special glance.      

Six billion people dessert.                                                 

Without me.  Noble singular.

Scripts on flooded papers.

The hill is occupied.

The Oath Inviolable.

Still wonder how Your kiss 

Would taste like.

The Labyrinth released the Beast.

Crushing screams. 

Broken brakes. 

Abandoned in danger.

A living Hell without You. 


Could've been, 

A place on Earth.

Only With You. 

I Desire No Other

 The place shudders, with the caress from their prayers over Death's shoulder.

When the night comes, they withdraw to their nests to start flying.

-Are you smiling? Don't you see what's coming upon us?

-I'm smiling with your attempts to prevent it.

Let's be realistic, we haven't yet lived as others would like to live.

In case of harvest flies malfunction, we will be heating up during December.

Your obsession with mythology surpassed my ability to locate you when you vanish. You inhabited inside your myths. I decoded you and everything went wrong.

Madness is invisible but spreads. Madness will push you against the bulge's wall.                                                            


First of all, straighten your back, allow what's to go down to go down, and up what's to go up. 

 The meaning of life begins when life decides to use you.

-Why the ballet dancers sulk in the sea?

-Τhey set appointments in their dreams. Confuse the cities and never meet up.

They sat in meditation posture, the clouds opened over their heads

Fire Asana. 

Without You


Oceans appart, they were both staring towards the blurred Horizon line. Searching for each other.

This was their prayer. 

Without you, 

The Sun will continue warming up the Earth.

All the handsome boys will continue being handsome. 

Pretty girls will be pretty. 

Without you, the seasons will have an impact. 

The snow, the cold, the rain.

The cardinal points. 

Beds will regain dimensions.  

                                 (Only for a while) 

One for the single bed, two for the double. The winner is the one who stays awake. 

Without you, people passing by will try to flirt. 

The next-door neighbor will be coming over to ask for sugar.

The cats will be waiting for Saturday to dawn.

Bus travelers will be suffocating.

The castle's side door will remain a secret.

The books won't contain the most amazing stories.

Without You. 

Music coming from the world's depth will keep me up at night. 

The coast, the horse, Eve, the tiger who was gone, an amulet to keep me safe.

Everything unchanged in your absence... 

The private class, the house, not going out. Without You. 

An invisible grief will get savage and fierce.

And perhaps one day I will correlate with a "glorious love" and learn how to live as I should have. 

I will have a man to use the pillow next to mine, say good morning, say goodnight.

But it won't be in the same language. 

I won't be able to understand, 

Neither good morning, nor good night.    Never. 

Nothing, ever,

Not a single fear. 

He will be placed by my side, next to me.                                                (I want no-one else) 

Like all the rest, he will obtain a place on the left side of my chest. 

(no one else but You) 

But now am well aware. 

The heart, 

The heartbeats, from the center of the chest to what feels real. 

Πέμπτη 22 Οκτωβρίου 2020

1st Parallel

The great robbery inside us occurred a few centuries ago and ever since we are in the indigence of disjunction.

You embrace territories.

Inhale when you have to 

You upload direct shows, with an entrance fee I cannot pay. 

You see dead people,

Waiting at the bus stops. 

You fall in love. 

Some times occasionally. 

Other times directly. 

You are jumping from one rooftop to the other. 

Underneath the laundry ropes, your obsessions are hanged.

You lived two lives.

During the first, you were imprisoned 

During the second one, his guard.

You figured out the way to get transparent, that's why I can not see you . 

You're counting down my veins that one day will paint the whole world red.

 Underneath your bed, fallen Angels are asleep.

 You rinsed all the passages to take me wherever else I want, as long as is not there. 

 You discovered letters before Alpha and after Omega.

 Chaos won't ever have enough of you. 

 In the middle of the Ocean you are chanting in a recession tone.

 You set up borders on the Sky, in case my weather wants to change aside.

 And when you book appointments under the shed, am always there... But 

 But enough of you, let's talk about me for a change. 

 That what I know is made of lies. 

 Every step I take is towards avoidance

 I have forgotten of your scent. 

I seeded single beds with just my self and I expect to sprout desires.

Amongst aphorisms I had found myself and I adopted. 

I spoiled up your horrors. 

They are waking up after hours.

 Quirky owners worship me. 

Parallel dimensions request my distribution. 

My boat has over floated and I bent to see my face reflection. 

 Inconsistency appears in almost everything I ever asked. 

 Am always dressed up with my cage prior my every exit. 

A commemoration is my hands. Embrace an everlasting life. 

Upon the plateaus, I have climbed, I am searching for a sign. 

All we ever had once, were two opposed bodies. And now feels like an addiction the distance spread between

Can't Stop thinking of You...

I refuse to compromise with anyone else but you. 


Τετάρτη 21 Οκτωβρίου 2020

The Third Hallelujah

 To S. that was with me during the ceremony.

 - Walk upon the waters, not because you can, but because you unveiled a brand new territory of the Sea.

-Make all your moves in slow motion, because the thought is running fast.

-Into the temples that were built for the memorial psalms, other communes in-depth with the "Hallelujah". 

-if you haven't been released from prison, how will you comprehend your inheritance. 

 - One million secret names devoted to the Sky. And we call upon Him staring at the ground. 

 - A couple of inches of self levitation above the terrain, because you held me. They were in rush to call it,    "wonder! ". 

 - In case I fall asleep underneath a Honeysuckle, snakes with lust will come to kiss me. 

  - The pit is neither for the Earth nor for the one who holds the shovel. 

 - The Law's basis is "Offer", a disgrace to call it a sacrifice. 

 - Father, how comes and everything trends horizontally, if Your Presence dwells up there?

Jan. 27, 2013 3:39 pm


Παρασκευή 16 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Do Not

*Once The Earth Said*

 18/ January 2014.

(channeling transcription translated in 2015) 

 After a vision of revelation. 

 Rules apply, and regulations.

One single Law. 

Three-level spheres, staircases.

Three great Arcades,.


 Perhaps I came to walk upon this Earth with three inheritances and one Gift. 

Your Own. 

A Gift I keep and save for You.

Let the will become Wheel for your carriage.

Dust will never turn to water.

Where the water turns to blood.

But couldn't be a necessity, in case it wasn't real. 

 A legacy from another life through Silence. 

And now, breathe in for an entire Life for the one without the other. (*** in this case, it means they won, My King of Honor, I know you won't let them,neither will I. You won't leave me, I trust you***)

 Am standing still, bridges are burned. 


And what your system would respond

Corrupted, greedy, ludicrous clowns. 


"You haven't got a single clue about the meaning of the term.


If violated. 

In any violation case, 

penalty equal to His value 

Must be paid. 

A Throne that weighs 

11266, Crowns. 

The Earth Said 

C. Eleni. 

Παρασκευή 2 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Your Fire

 To the man I wanted before we met,  the one I had to reject and now I regret. 

The one I secretly craved. I want you to know, every No was a Yes! I was burning inside, still, I am.

Request my caress, savages tales, fireworks to explode in the sky in the middle of the night.

Demand from me to comb the darkness dampened flowers from the seas, hardcore endless moments, and ointments that heal the pain.

Request to give you parts of my extensions, ruined rooftops, front page publications of my unrevealed emotions. 

For You.

Demand and we escape together to the deepest of the Earth and the center of the Galaxy. 

Request pencils that haven't yet written the glory of our first kiss, keepsakes from what passed, and from what is yet to come.

Demand for reasons to run where I manifest in the middle of the day, inviolable dimensions,

 Request from me to structure unbreakable defenses, that only you will have permission to demolish.

Demand from me to have no fear, as you will release savage dogs to grab my rags into the jungle of my senses.

Request your space on the left side of my bed, so you will come and join, waves pieces from my precious neck to hug uptight.

Demand the key, from the well of the Abyss, meet me down there. help me chose some heroes to decorate my boring days while you are away to conquer Troy for eleven years in total.

Request for comedians that got drank and high, in deserted parks from floated states in lakes that flow into the endless chaos/

 Demand from me to keep my faith, myself, and wait for you to return to our home like a recovered legend.

Request for a liar mirror trador, lame, ridiculous, to broadcast Lunar Landscapes, all the stains, and the marks from the fights of the past.

Demand my range as we tremble together in the absence of your carnage, request a bit of perfection to see if you will have it.

-Promise me to forget as we depart from my sad divided homeland for another land.

-I promise you, convulsions when our bodies unite and rock together like monsters before their extinction, a genocide of reason from a dictator's emotion that carries your name. 

Request my destruction during those difficult hours and I  will burn like Fire. Your fire. 

Demand for lack of faith, head or tails, to gamble my loss while you laugh and nod at me "come".

Request or Demand,

As my soul, from my body departs in order to amuse You, 

And afterwards calmly to End. 



Πέμπτη 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

As above So Below

 As above So Below 

Great Thule 

So in case, the Earth is flat do you know what is going to happen if you drill for natural gas in the Mediterranean Sea. 

And of course, if we remember the last Eurovision song contest winner with the Arcade song.. 

You might permanently damage the ice shield of the Arctic circle (sandstorm, tidal waves over float water from below .. Or you might permanently crack the shield and you don't want to know the consequences. So stop immediately whatever it is that you are doing before is too late.

And stop that beast as well. We are running out of time.. 

You are running out of time. Sorry 

You have been warned. 

*** On the other hand, I was just joking. And trying to use your methods in order to misguide and direct important decisions. I was trying to scare you off in order to take that parasite (Yavuz)  and kick it out of my see. 

nothing of this will happen, I was just exaggerating !!! 


Σάββατο 4 Απριλίου 2020

Τα Ελεγεία

Ένα σωρό κλειδιά τι να τα κάνεις.. 

Χωρίς πόρτες, δίχως κάγκελα κλουβιά 

"-θα με βοηθήσεις να συμπληρώσω τα κενά στον τοίχο"
"-ένα Νταλί, εκεί".... ότι πορτρέτο άρχιζα.... δεν το τελείωνα ποτέ..

        Όταν καθόταν στον καναπέ κάτι απογεύματα που ήθελε να τον σκεφτεί και κλεινόταν στον εαυτό της διαβάζοντας στιγμές της από ένα πρόχειρο τετράδιο, κανένα στιχάκι που και που, αλλά και κάποια όνειρα που δεν τα ξεχνούσε και ας είχε ξυπνήσει. Κ' όμως όταν κοιμότανε, θυμόταν πως ήταν κάποτε.

Λίγο πριν φύγει απ το νησί τα όνειρα της έμοιαζαν πιο πραγματικά απ' τη ζωή της. Πονούσε, ήθελε ένα τέλος, μια αρχή η τίποτα.

Κάτι τέτοιες στιγμές χανότανε στις έρευνες της, μυθολογία, ιστορία, αριθμολογία. Το μυαλο της έκανε περίεργες συνδέσεις, από μικρή της άρεσαν τα σύμβολα και οι συμβολισμοί.

σε ένα πόλεμο,

. Φωτιές θέλω να πέσουν απ τον ουρανό.. Φωτιές και όχι βροχές..

 Που πήγε άραγε τόση Αλήθεια. Την πονούσε, λες και ξεχάσαν πως να Αγαπούν και να Πιστεύουν.

Στο μυαλό της ήταν σαν μοτίβα που εξελίσσονταν σε διαφορετικές εποχές..

       *Στο λαιμό Του, ένα σημάδι από πυρακτωμένη σφραγίδα,

από την αύρα τις ψυχής Θυμήθηκε,

 Αγάπη, η Αλήθεια της..


  Με την εικόνα από το βλέμμα σου κοιμήθηκα, είχες καιρό να έρθεις στα όνειρα μου. Με έβαλες για ύπνο, με φίλησες και πριν φύγεις μου ψιθύρισες γλυκά στ' αυτί
       -"Δυνάμωσε, σε θέλω δυνατή να αντέξεις"

       -"μη λυγίσει

       -"Μη ξεχάσεις,

σε τούτη την Ζωή, σαν άμαξα Είμαστε, τα ξύλα είναι σαν φράγματα, νερά σαν άλογα μπροστά τα συναισθήματα, που τρέχουν. Εσύ κυλάς με τα νερά σαν καβαλάρης..


Να σου πω ένα μυστικό,;

Με έναν τροχό πάμε μια βόλτα στο φεγγάρι;

Sailing Dreamers


Trough rivers to Oceans,
Backwards and Forth,
We wandered a lot
In our worlds, spreading words
We triggered our minds,
to reach speeds of Light..

Please my Angel come to me,

May I crush on a Heart
that is stronger than mine..
In a Dream..
That's my wish
And your Kiss .. Goodnight 

The Book of Wisdom

It is written in Hebrew... & How do I suppose to translate it??? With Google translate??? BTW, why should I??? We (Me & ...