Πέμπτη 28 Νοεμβρίου 2019

144. 000, Ένα δέντρο, Ένας στρατός ντυμένος στα άσπρα

28/11/19         1:45 π.μ.

Πάμε Ελληνικά γιατί μας πάει.

Κρατάω το 1998, τότε γεννήθηκε.. Ούτε το 2012, τότε πέθανε. Για να μεταμορφωθεί ξέρεις γιατί όμως ;

 Όσο δυναμώνει η πίστη τόσο καλύτερα δουλεύουν οι ασπίδες.. Πώς να ήμουν εκεί. Με την ομάδα η οποία αποτελείται από εμένα και ένα σωρό αποτυχημένες προσπάθειες να μου μοιάσουν. Τις οποίες γυναίκες (βλέπε χείλη) .. Υπερπαραφουσκώμενα χείλη// μα οχι , κόκκινα.

Και μου έρχεται να ξεράσω.


 Αρρωσταίνω σε περιβάλλοντα ανήθικα. Την υποκρισία δεν την αντέχω..

Υπάρχουν 144000 ενσαρκωμένοι..
Ενα δέντρο

Ενας στρατός ντυμένος στα άσπρα..

Που θα παλέψουν, να  σωθούν.

Μα το καλύτερο το αφήνω για το τέλος.

..Υπάρχει και το δέντρο της ζωής για όσους τα κατάφεραν.. Ας δώσουμε σωστές κατευθύνσεις στα παιδιά, ας φροντίσουμε για ένα υγιές περιβάλλον με σωστές δομές..

Καθόλου τυχαίο το "αμαρτίες προ-γονέων"...

Φροντίστε για τα παιδιά σας

Έχετε πουλήσει την ψυχή σας στον διάβολο.


 Το πρόσωπο εκπέμπει την ομορφιά της ψυχής.. Το κάθε σώμα θα ενσαρκώσει βάση προθέσεων.. Και θέλω να κάνω μια ερώτηση σε όσους προσπαθούν να αρπάξουν. Και σε όσους και αν τα έχουν καταφέρει.. Εσύ για πόσα αργύρια θα πουλούσες τον Χρηστό;

Για όσα έχεις πουλήσει την ψυχή σου στον διάβολο..

Υπάρχουν ενσαρκωμένοι..

Οι επιλογές είχαν γίνει. Το 1970. Και όμως.. Θα έπρεπε να γνωρίζουν από το 1940..και όμως θα έπρεπε να γνωρίζουν από πολύ πιο παλιά..

Από την άλλη. Όσο πιο πολλοί γνωρίζουν το τώρα, ας το καλύτερα..

 Πώς καθορίζεται.. Με τον καιρό μαθαίνω.

Πρώτα ο Θεός.

Εδώ είμαστε για να γίνουμε καλύτεροι, μέρα με την μέρα.. Με τα λάθη μας...

Όλοι ερχόμαστε με τις ίδιες δυνατότητες.. Όλοι έχουμε απώλειες. Υπάρχουν όμως και αρχές.. Και νόμοι..

Αν δεν θέλεις να σου συμβεί, μην το πράξεις για κάποιον άλλο..

Γιατί υπάρχει Θεός και είναι δίκαιος και πανταχού παρόν.. Θα το φροντίσει..

Είναι πιο γόνιμο όταν ο κάθε ένας το λύσει μοναχός του...

Άραγε μου αξίζει να σωθεί η γενιά μου..

Καλή συνέχεια

Δεν θέλω να κουράσω άλλο..

Δεν θέλω ποτέ να μεγαλώσω..

Από τα παιδιά θα μάθουμε την αλήθεια.. Και τα εμπιστεύομαι όσο κανένα ενήλικα..

Περισσότερο και από τον εαυτό μου..

 Δευτέρα μεσημέρι.

Μα γιατί να θυσιάσω την ευγένεια...

 ένοικος ευγενείας δεν λέει ..

7 αρετές και 7 χάρες...

Ποια θάλασσα μας έχει λείψει τόσο...

Χωρίς υπομονή, υπάρχει θυμός και οργή..

Χωρίς εγκράτεια υπάρχει απληστία....

Έχεις σκεφτεί τι θα υπάρξει χωρίς ευγένεια..

Αρπαγή, κατάχραση και καταπάτηση..

Χάος και ζούγκλα.

. Ο σεβασμός δεν επιβάλλεται, είναι αξία που την κερδίζεις με τις πράξεις..

Την ευγένεια να μην την θυσιάσεις..

Ποια από τις αρετές θα μας λείψει πιο πολύ;;.

Ποια από τις χάρες θα μας λείψει τόσο όσο;

Πέμπτη 21 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Κάτω απο τις Γέφυρες

Και να που έφτασε ο καιρός του σήμερα που άλλοτε σαν αύριο κίνησε για το τότε...

Επικίνδυνη  αλήθεια

Ποια ή ουσία της καταγραφής και μετάδοσης μιας ιστορίας που μεταβάλλεται προς όφελος του ενός..

Ήμουν εκεί.. Την γέφυρα την έχω διαβεί..

Ήθελα να ξερα τι τους τρόμαξε.. Αφού το σπαθί βγήκε από το θηκαρι..
Ζέχνει κατάχραση και διαφθορά το ιερό..

Πληγές ανοίγουν κλείνοντας πύλες..

Να δεις που η Γη δεν θα ανοίξει να τους καταπιεί..

θα τους ξεράσει.

Ο καιρός γαρ εγγυς

Τετάρτη 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Γενοκτονία Λογικής

Ίσως να πρόκειται όντως για γενοκτονία Λογικής απ το συναίσθημα δικτάτορα που φέρει το όνομα μου. Αλλά λυπάμαι, δεν λυπάμαι καθόλου. 

Δύο πουλάκια κάθονταν, 

Ποιο θα αυτοκτονήσει πρώτο;;

Ο πεταλούδας 

Τρίτη 9 Ιουλίου 2019

1η Παράλληλος

8 Ιουλίου 2011

η μεγάλη ληστεία συνέβη πριν κάτι αιώνες μέσα μας
από τότε βρισκόμαστε στην ένδεια του χώρια
αγκαλιάζει εδάφη
αναπνέει όταν πρέπει
ανεβάζει παραστάσεις
που το εισιτήριο τους δεν με παίρνει να πληρώσ6
βλέπει νεκρούς
να περιμένουν στις στάσεις των λεωφορείων
κάποιες φορές αόριστα
κάποιες συγκεκριμένα
πηδάει από ταράτσα σε ταράτσα
κρέμονται από κάτω στα μπουγαδόσκοινα
οι εμμονές του 
έζησε δύο ζωές
την μια ήταν κατάδικος
την άλλη ο φύλακας του
ξέρει τον τρόπο να γίνεται αόρατος
γι' αυτό και δε τον βλέπω 
μετράει τις φλέβες μου
που μια μέρα θα βάψουν κόκκινο τον κόσμο
κάτω από το στρώμα του 
κοιμούνται άγγελοι που εξέπεσαν
έχει αγγαρέψει όλους τους δρόμους
να με πηγαίνουν εκεί που θέλω 
αρκεί να μην είναι σε εκείνον... 
Μόνο σε εκείνον θέλω να πάω 
ανακάλυψε γράμματα πριν το άλφα
και μετά το ωμέγα
το χάος δεν λέει να τον χορτάσει
στη μέση του ωκεανού μου ψέλνει 
σε μι ύφεση. 
έβαλε σύνορα στον ουρανό
μην θελήσει ο καιρός του 
να περάσει στη μεριά μου
και όταν μου κλείνει ραντεβού
Στο μπαλκόνι μου 
Πάντα τον περιμένω
μα αρκετά με σένα 
ας μιλήσουμε για μένα 
που ότι ξέρω είναι ψέμα
που ανοίγω τα πόδια
στην υπεκφυγή
Δεν σε έχω ακόμα αναπνεύσει 
που έσπειρα κρεβάτια με έναν πάνω τους
και περιμένω να φυτρώσουν πάθη
που βρέθηκα ανάμεσα σε αφορισμούς
και είπα να τους κάνω δικούς μου 
χάλασαν οι τρόμοι μου 
χτυπάνε λάθος ώρα
Με προσκυνάνε ιδιώτες ιδιότροποι
παράλληλα σύμπαντα ζητούν να με μοιράσουν
έμπασε η βάρκα μου νερά
και σκύβω στο νερό να δω το πρόσωπό μου 
οι προφητείες μου αποδείχτηκαν μαντέματα
Έδειχνε ασυνέπεια σχεδόν ότι ζητούσα... 
πάντα πριν βγω 
Φορούσα το κλουβί μου 
μνημόσυνο είναι τα χέρια μου 
αγκαλιάζουν ζωή που έχει τελειώσει
και στα υψίπεδα που ανέβηκα 
διψώ για ένα σημάδι
ότι είχαμε ήταν δύο αντικριστά σώματα κάποτε
και πλέον μοιάζει με εθισμό η απόσταση που απλώνεi. 

Signal Fire


Τρίτη 18 Ιουνίου 2019

The Selected One To Bee

- And then? He asked.

Expecting me to say - For ever.

  Time though is a lie. And am well aware of lies. Look, over here, there are two kinds of job that you can do: either telling lies very well, or buying them. There is an other, third option, to be unemployed, for example to resign.
  Resigned are the bravest in an era of unemployment. (Where the choices are manufactured before they are presented ahead of us in a row? I need to find that place, to become a choice. I grew up, am not a girl any more.)


 Quite often, I sit and gaze the view. The wind is blowing my hair and according to the theory of Chaos, this could create a chain reaction of hurricanes in New York.
 My hair create hurricanes in New York! Even though this is said for ''the butterfly effect''. My hair is a butterfly effect and under their roots a crowd of chrysalis are asleep, and dreaming  inside their cocoons. I wish they never wake up.


 I am embracing something new. It's strange because nobody touched me the last few months. Human hands are living secret lives. On my body, different rules apply. Didn't I told you the other days that is an island?
  There is a reception between my legs that ends up to my heart. When it's full, my heart will stop beating. Only for a moment.
 This brand new won't come out from the recess between my legs. It will come out from my eyes and with the speed of light, it will go everywhere and include everything.
  Everything but darkness. Darkness speed, is the slowest of anything.


 There is a room in my memory, where you only enter in, and nobody comes out of it. I will be waiting for you there. Paranoid with the escapes!


  Nature defined me selective and profitable for mating. My biological alarms are waking up, creating a noisy fuss, that everyone can hear. If they are in a position to hear. Nature's requested tax from me, is a descendant to nourish her.
  My term?
My term, to choose on my own, who will seed me. Inviolable term.


 So many came, in the passage of time. How will I recognize you now? Are you a Hero, a Conductor? You are holding thorns or vines? You know stories? You speak the things with their name? You talk the colors? You know from where to buy the best milk and bread? When you ride me, you have a way to look right through my eyes the same time?

- Is he yours? The Sea is replying to me.
And I'm unable to figure out the inquire...

Σάββατο 15 Ιουνίου 2019

The Law Of Pi

The Law Of  Pi

As if I was dreaming , the voice sounded and said 

Wake up, we are in the territory of the dead, for God's sake wake up.
Our weapons, our clacks, and sounds are useless. Unable to prove our liveliness.
Wake up, we've been dead for a long time and any force we put, the opposite lacerates.
Wake up for God's sake.

*What torture to walk when everything wants you not to, when everything advocates against it.

Then I as in a dream responded and said

We carry the most easily contagious illness in the world. Our unobtrusive efforts to disturb the Gods constantly fail. Our swallows crash, on future winters, and our inner blooming is delayed. Clay pots filled up to the top rolling downhills increasing speed towards a destiny of broken pieces. What we haven't yet known is what troubles us.

 Wasteful with our given powers, we direct them forward to the scarecrows of the Galaxy and the crop we've been expecting is a worthless effort.

 Human, you are able, only when the Sacred won't respond in order to clarify it's presence. If we lay down, facing the ground, our back becomes a stair. You are my own hand that I cut off and placed it on a foreign body. And ever since, lives a secret life. I've turned the Earth upside down to find you but someone else's thought now you rejoice to caress...

 If I fall in love with this stranger, you will say your fingers to form a door? We were building a shack when he was passing by, laughing at us. His presence didn't affect at all the dripping sweat.

 Your inner oceans wave the full moon. Tracks of light are heard in the transparency of your back. Police of mind to cogitate my wildest thoughts. A couple of pilferer lovers to plot vivid consciousness. Everything is bearable a minute later. Only loneliness, only loneliness from before.

    And again the question like a blessing

That is to say, this luster of things should be slavery?

   And again me

Perhaps not all scarps will become safe if we remove the Law of Gravity?

  Afterward out of nowhere she interrupted us with seven sentences.

* An inch above ground commence the sky's extremity.

* We had the most useless thing of the world. Like a camp full of coward soldiers.

* The most dangerous sea, is the salty sea.

* Whenever you feel proud try to stare at the Sun.

* A single stripe can hold up the whole world's humidity in your eyes.

* If you haven't seen what extends between the waves and the birds flying, you haven't seen anything.

* The most dangerous sea, is the savage sea...

Δευτέρα 3 Ιουνίου 2019

The Pledge

Sallow, as if someone was missing her. 
The reason she existed, perhaps.
And they were many.
Their question was: "Do you recall?".
But she kept on forgetting. And while the others, were departing.
She stayed grounded either dreaming,

 or with visions of upcoming nightmares.
 In each awakened expansion, rainstorm cabled on thy's windows, 
fired carbon from her lushes.
And the  lesart she carried 
-who knows from which dessert- 
crawled up on her shoulder, and was staring the distance in silence.

I started once to tell her to stay present, but she was gone already. 
And from my phrase, she heard the half.

''By kings, I've been served. 
In an entertainers' dressing room, I was waiting for the dawn. 
 I've got drunk with alcohol, 
and with other stuff got high.
And I leaned over,
 like the shadows are leaning in the West, but never fell
I've been pulled aside by men, drifted from my scent.
But I was looking elsewhere, without talking.
And always, in the end, they were departing.
Keeping memories of someone else, 
who was not me.
Where am I, when my fear puts my clothes on,
and pushes me out in the alley?
Where am I, when I lean down to listen to the stories of the ants,
pretending that I care?
Once, I was dancing secretly, in my own special way..''

Each time I was approaching her,
My head was numb and my cores
were expanding. As if I've been dropped
into the Ocean, in search of salt.
I was searching on her body for marks and traces
 but they were changing.
- A constellation on her shoulder towards her arm.
- Peels from flower stalk at the base of the spine,
that quickly turned into conjugating snakes.
-lips changing color when it rained, like the rainbow.
And it was raining frequently inside her dorms.

''this body is not the compound of water and carbon,
but the remnants from Angel's orgasms''

Last time I saw her in an old photograph
Ten - eleven years old.
Dressed in white, like a bright.
She was gazing at me, pledging that one day she
would meet me. And that our coupling,
would've last from dusk till dawn.
And in the end, I would abrogate the crawling mob,
dragged behind her gait.

-Promise me this is For Ever?

-I Promise...

Τρίτη 14 Μαΐου 2019

The Girl With The Nightingale (The Stranger)

   Where is everybody? human beings are gone. I mean, you see people wandering around lost in their own assumptions and thoughts. In which mystery Land ourselves are waiting while we are busy not leaving our lives?


  When the night falls on my island, the sky unites with the sea into one single body. Every night the same matrimony.
  Those hours, if someone navigates in the middle of the Ocean. Is he able to figure out, whether he travels on the waters or the ethereal field?
   I feel sorry for those wanderers that didn't finish navigating before dawn. I imagine them castaways, sunk among the clouds. Or, even. Evenfall into an air gap and lose their selves among the waves.
  The destination of departure is changing upon arrival. Whilst return is never a matter of choice.


  In the beginning, he was looking at me from a distance. It took me days to realize.
he was staring at me dancing, sharpen my sword, ditching my compass.
  What happens if you hold a compass vertically? At which point of the horizon, is the center of the Earth?
  He was a stranger. Foreigners have the bad habit to wander around, never stay where they come from. Otherwise, we wouldn't create this word to describe them.


Once upon a time, my Nightingale told me, that we are all foreigners. We are all strangers. Shuttered under the enormous dome.
 Because escape is a refuge.
And further, then that is the endless dessert with the extreme weather conditions. Never have I seen anyone dying from savage winds. But I have seen them dying locked up, inside their secured and windproof homes.
   "oh, even though, the wind was blowing inside their heads." Said, my Nightingale.

  Yes, I chat with birds. It happens. In other cases, people chat with their fears.


  He started looking at me discreetly, he was silent. Each time barely covered behind something. The first meeting happens with the eyes. Recommendations, promises, and hopes are already given. And then, we start talking.
  The longer you are looking at a stranger, the more familiar he becomes. Who said that our glances, don't have the ability to transform?
  He was staring at me for days, now I was staring at him as well. Something changed, the importance of reality decreased a strain.
  He finally spoke first:
"- I drunk the Easter coast and wiped up with the maps. There is a town on the West and a harbor,  from where nothing sails and nothing arrives at. The weather won't take me longer, since am not from here. Always go against the weather. When you think of something that you love, you glow.."


  I get transparent during the day, extension layers are visible through me. Those moments I'd rather look myself in the mirror. My nightingale is still traveling. Someone randomly found my island. A stranger, from another place. I asked him:

" - How can somebody defines the limits between reality and dreaming?"

"- We need to hold each other's hand, a moment before sleeping."  He responded.

Σάββατο 11 Μαΐου 2019

The Girl With Τhe Nightingale

And he says: '' I haven't found the meaning of life yet. 


Have you?'

I am the meaning of  life!''

  When I talk to them they are looking at the ground. And I imagine that under the ground is a basement and under the basement, a huge dragon is curled into the dirt.
Snores fire, feeds himself from the bark beetles of time, pleistocene, miocene, oligocene, hollow. 
 The hair on his back emerges on the surface of the Earth. We call them ''trees''.
So I imagine that my boys have the magic ability to listen to the dragon's dreams. Sometimes they are able to intervene to them. That's why I don't disturb them, I just keep talking to myself. My boys are worthy of respect for keeping the beast asleep. I prefer this image for my boys than any other. I could for example believe that they were captains and their ships sunk in a distant sea from a wild storm and since then, they have lost their minds. They don't look up, cause if they do, they start planning how to march through. But in this land, there are no marches for many years. Nobody goes anywhere. It would be painful having all those imaginary maps inside your head and not a single way to rejoice them.
If I figure out that they are responsible for shipwrecks I will drown them. They would've been the reason why am staying here, dry and fortified.

***In the Middle Ages you could point out a witch from a black cat that was following her everywhere, you can understand many things for a person based on what comes along.
Those animals that accompany significant people in a mystic dialect are called ''psychoanemistes''. I am not significant and definitely am not a witch. But a small bird always follows me, is a nightingale.

***If I had God in front of me, and I could ask Him only one question, it would be:
Would you dare for once to become human and see if you could find thy self again?
I already guess His answer:
I do it every day, all those who came and those who follow is me, who forgot, searching to find my way back over and over again.
I would be terrified by such an answer - well, that's why am in a position to guess it.
You think is normal that am setting up imaginary talks inside my mind? Perhaps someone should grab my shoulder and shake me back to reality, or just grab my shoulder.

*** My Grandfather was telling me a proverb: Don't invite during the night if you are farming in the yard. I often lay down on my bed and cry. All of a sudden. For no reason. My bedroom has no ceiling. Above my head, my nightingale is drawing invisible oval shapes on a blue sky.

Where I come from, animals are fed from love, just like the newborns from the breast. If they don't receive enough love per day, they become inanimate objects waiting to get older.

We used to be animals.

It appears that birds own a larger share of space than us. My grandfather used to say: ''Everything will be OK in the end, if not OK then is not the end.'' My grandfather managed to trick everyone at his funeral, he didn't make a sound neither he moved, at all.

I lied, my bedroom has a ceiling. On top of everywhere, I've been so far, there was a ceiling.


 They don't like straight lines. They often move away, they are afraid of tidal waves. They remember everything and never make mistakes. They arrived here yesterday, they demand hugs for satisfaction.
Who knows what they have grabbed with them upon departure.

The curse of your bandit is that he can't stay with you for long.


My palms are gentle, my purpose is plain. I've been told that trees need the singing of the birds to grow and bloom in Spring. Every Spring my nightingale migrates, it flies to forests far away to perform its best. Underneath their roots, liquids flow. Each peak is a possibility that hasn't yet happened. The snow from the highest mountains melts in order to meet the trees.

The most precious thing I ever received, was a glass of water the exact moment I was thirsty. The era didn't matter.

With my own sword, I scratched my brand new back. We place our hopes on the base of our spine. Therefore, when hope is gone, we are bending over.


My other half is not a half. It must be three quarters or less. Everything fades away over here and is been a long time since then. I am afraid that when he finally arrives, there will be nothing left for me to recognize. 

The journey is fascinating. The Unconditional scares me. This is the equation of my life. An equation inconceivable.
I am afraid that my other half is actually whole. And won't be able to swallow me or digest me. Oh for sure, my other half should be a tiny bit less than a half, in order to overcome myself, when I shall give it over. 

Only then I will stop thinking of the journey. Because I will be further away than ever.

I lost my nightingale. On this Island, nothing can be gone for long. But is gone, I can't find it anywhere. It left behind it colorful feathers and enormous forests. Perhaps it went to meet the Unconditional. I am well aware though that the sea that surrounds us is holding the islands and the bridges we build are burned by the fire.
  The bird was my only hope. No one will find me now. They would have seen it from afar and they would know that human life is under it. Isn't it what a castaway is doing? He is throwing something up high, in order to make himself visible, along with and across...

When you lose something you love, something precious, your reality gets darker. Regularly, when the night comes you go to bed to get some sleep. But if you've spent a lifetime dreaming, is impossible to fall asleep.

It happened all of a sudden. Shortly after my great loss. In the beginning, I was rising myself two inches above the ground. For a while. Now am finally flying, slowly and in circles. Just like my nightingale. Alas, though. There is nothing left beneath me longing, or hoping for.

Τετάρτη 8 Μαΐου 2019


..Often, we seek validation in the places we were once injured. We feel in order to heal it, someone has to see it and love it, because in the past it was mistreated, abused, neglected or belittled.
Rather than looking for something outside of yourself to heal or feel loved and accepted - go deep within to where the Truth resides and the ever abundant source of Unconditional Love exists, that knows you and sees you.
Remember that often we are insulted and harmed in the places where our greatest gifts, strengths and abilities lie.
Rather than hide your truth and self-worth or be confused by it because it was harmed - let it rise up in you even stronger than ever, so that the Truth is set free, rather than silenced because someone was threatened, jealous, or afraid of your power and expression.
The pattern will continue if you hold on to their mistake, and expect flattery or validation to heal it. Those voices come and go, as the voices that insult do as well. It is up to us to own our power, truth, inner-beauty and strength, regardless of outside opinion.
We have nothing to lose anymore - but the need to get rid of the veils, obstacles and afflictions that came from outside of ourselves.
Maybe we attracted it to ourselves to know the human condition and where transformation is needed most, in order to change the game and be senior to the lower forces of cruelty, ignorance and deceit.
Be guided by Spirit, not the voices of humans who haven't woken up to their own divine nature. If they don't know it is within them, they can't see it in you. Don't let them blind you to who you truly are.
It is never to late to recover our treasures!

The Book of Wisdom

It is written in Hebrew... & How do I suppose to translate it??? With Google translate??? BTW, why should I??? We (Me & ...