In these days when the torrents of grief flood deep.
When sorrow pools like blood on the floor.
In these days when I can do nothing but meet this moment.
when I am too spent to say hello.
I pray that my love comes to meet me where I am.
To hold me while I cry.
To cradle me where I sit.
To walk with me as I walk.
There was, at first,
a moment when I tried to push that Love away,
I protested with my arms up in resistance.
But that love obliterated my no.
It moved in to hold me from the inside.
Slipped into my tissue, my bones.
It infused itself into each tiny cell, each organelle,
and since that moment, it made inside me a home.
Now it is this love that moves my hand.
This love that shapes each word.
This love that helps me rise.
This love that pours the tea.
This love that wakes with me in the middle of the night.
This love that makes the heart beat.
the lungs breathe.
Love that meets the impossible grief
and surrounds it with an impossible grace.
Love that grips me around the heart
as if to save me from drowning.
Love that murmurs again and again.
This Love
My Love For You.
You are the reason am alive.
All I am hoping for is to be with you.
I Love You