Ο Σταύρος του Νότου
Νίκος Καββαδίας
Έβραζε το κύμα του γαρμπή
Είμαστε σκυφτοί κι οι δυο στο χάρτη.
Γύρισες και μου πες πως το Μάρτη,
σ'αλλους παραλλήλους θα χεις μπει.
The stronger the faith, the better the shields. Is getting extremely complicated the fact that I was there, surrounded by a team of failed look-alikes.
Women (see lips) over-inflated lips, but not red.
And I feel like throwing up.
Κούλικο στο στήθος σου ταττού.
Που όσο και αν το καις δεν λέει να σβήσει.
Είπαν πως την είχες αγαπήσει,
σε μια κρίση μαύρου πυρετού.
I feel sick, in unethical environments.
I can't tolerate hypocrisy.
There are 144000 incarnated. One Tree.
An army dressed in white, willing to fight for salvation.
Βάρδια πλάι σε κάβο φαλακρό,
Κι ο Σταύρος του Νότου με τα στράλια.
Κομπολόι κρατάς από κοράλλια,
κι άκοπο μασάς καφέ πικρό.
But I, choose to save the best for last. The Tree of life for those who made it.
Let's just direct children properly, let's make sure to structure a stable environment, healthy, and safe for them to thrive.
Is not a random phrase: "mistakes occurred in the past, will be torturing the future".
Solve the problems, fix the issues, do it for your children.
Το Άλφα του Κενταύρου μια νυχτιά.
Με το παλλινώριο πήρα κάτου,
Μου 'πες με φωνή ετοιμοθανάτου,
Να φοβάσαι τ' άστρα του Νοτιά.
I feel like a minority of a person. I will try to sell my soul to the devil, just to see how it feels like.
The face reflects the beauty of the soul. Each body's incarnation will occur according to the individual's intentions
Άλλοτε απ τον ίδιον Ουρανό.
Έπαιρνες τρεις μήνες στην αράδα.
Με του καπετάνιου την μιγάδα,
μάθημα πορείας νυχτερινό.
I have a question for all those who intend to reap off. For all those who reaped off already.
For how much did you sell your soul to the devil?
Σ'ενα μαχαζί του Nossi Be.
Πήρες το μαχαίρι δυο σελίνια,
Μέρα μεσημέρι απά στην λίνια.
Ξέστραψες σαν φάρου αναλαμπή.
Was it worthy?
There are " incarnations". The positions are held. The selections occurred from 1970. But they should be aware since 1940. Or from before.
On the other hand, the more they know the present. The.. hm no, Never mind.
How can you define it? well, I guess, constantly learn through time.
God first.
We are here to improve ourselves, day by day. Make mistakes, learn from them. We came to inhabit this Earth with the same potentials. We all experienced losses.
Our great Universe is composed of values, principles, laws.
Each action has a reaction, even a sound, a slight movement. A small expression has consequences.
If you just make an effort to realize the great divine manifestation of our thriving Universe. You would notice the presence of God everywhere.
The code is simple. The discovery process of the truth, in the end, is more beneficial than the truth.
Is it worthy? Is our generation worthy? Ar we worthy of salvation?
Monday morning, kindness should not be sacrificed.
Noble singular though, wouldn't make a difference.
Seven values, seven graces.
Which is the sea we missed the most?
The lack of patience resulted in wrath and anger.
The absence of continence will make one greedy.
Conquer and occupational nature will result in chaos, confusion, and destruction.
Κάτω στις ακτές της Αφρικής,
Πάνε χρόνια τώρα που κοιμάσαι.
Τα φανάρια πια δεν τα θυμάσαι.
Και το ωραίο γλυκό της Κυριακής.
Respect was always a value achieved upon somebody's actions and not obliged or forced.
From God's gifts,
Which is the one, we need the most?
From God's graces,
Which is the one, we will be wishing for, the most?
And from the virtues.
Which is the one, we will be missing, just as much?