Where is everybody? human beings are gone. I mean, you see people wandering around lost in their own assumptions and thoughts. In which mystery Land ourselves are waiting while we are busy not leaving our lives?
When the night falls on my island, the sky unites with the sea into one single body. Every night the same matrimony.
Those hours, if someone navigates in the middle of the Ocean. Is he able to figure out, whether he travels on the waters or the ethereal field?
I feel sorry for those wanderers that didn't finish navigating before dawn. I imagine them castaways, sunk among the clouds. Or, even. Evenfall into an air gap and lose their selves among the waves.
The destination of departure is changing upon arrival. Whilst return is never a matter of choice.
In the beginning, he was looking at me from a distance. It took me days to realize.
he was staring at me dancing, sharpen my sword, ditching my compass.
What happens if you hold a compass vertically? At which point of the horizon, is the center of the Earth?
He was a stranger. Foreigners have the bad habit to wander around, never stay where they come from. Otherwise, we wouldn't create this word to describe them.
Once upon a time, my Nightingale told me, that we are all foreigners. We are all strangers. Shuttered under the enormous dome.
Because escape is a refuge.
And further, then that is the endless dessert with the extreme weather conditions. Never have I seen anyone dying from savage winds. But I have seen them dying locked up, inside their secured and windproof homes.
"oh, even though, the wind was blowing inside their heads." Said, my Nightingale.
Yes, I chat with birds. It happens. In other cases, people chat with their fears.
He started looking at me discreetly, he was silent. Each time barely covered behind something. The first meeting happens with the eyes. Recommendations, promises, and hopes are already given. And then, we start talking.
The longer you are looking at a stranger, the more familiar he becomes. Who said that our glances, don't have the ability to transform?
He was staring at me for days, now I was staring at him as well. Something changed, the importance of reality decreased a strain.
He finally spoke first:
"- I drunk the Easter coast and wiped up with the maps. There is a town on the West and a harbor, from where nothing sails and nothing arrives at. The weather won't take me longer, since am not from here. Always go against the weather. When you think of something that you love, you glow.."
I get transparent during the day, extension layers are visible through me. Those moments I'd rather look myself in the mirror. My nightingale is still traveling. Someone randomly found my island. A stranger, from another place. I asked him:
" - How can somebody defines the limits between reality and dreaming?"
"- We need to hold each other's hand, a moment before sleeping." He responded.